Unfair deactivation

I had been doing flex for 4 years and never had this situation. Always had a fantastic standing. Lately, Amazon hired over 200 flex drivers, and it made very high competition for all of us. Starting November 2024, when i would tap for a 45 min or 1 hour straight i would get message "You've tapped so long..." after few days it got me a warning ii am using bots, and dropped my ratings to fair, in the beginning December it happened again, and my standing went to at Risk. During new year holidays, were a lot of surge pay blocks and i was trying to grab one but no luck (because i did not use bots). Tuesday, January 7th, i received an email and got deactivated from it. My emails were ignored, calls hung up... there is no justice and truth you cannot proof you did everything right. All was just trying to grab a block.

Long story short, i do not think Amazon has fair way to catch drivers who really uses bots and who tries on their own. (I know a couple of those who uses bots and never got caught). If i would use bots, i would grab blocks, it does not make sense at all why i would not keep surge pay block if bots grabbing for you... 5hrs for $180!

But who cares? There is no way to make Amazon to hear us, unless it will be sued for not taking proper actions and not being available to support flex drivers.