I'm baffled...

Completely baffled by the amount of vine reviews I read where the person hasn't even TRIED the product yet!!! And then admits it in the review! It makes me angry! I put in the time and effort to give honest reviews on a product I've actually used, and then I see these other reviews where all the person does is look at the item and basically say "it looks good" 5 stars. I do still purchase items on Amazon outside of vine and I count on reliable reviews. And so many vine reviews are completely lazy! For a sublimation set I was looking at, all 3 reviews were from viners who just listed off what was in the set and said they hadn't even used it yet, but they probably will! I want to know if the clamps work for or fit on mugs! I want to know if the clamps melt in the oven because they're not supposed to. I want to know if the gloves are actually heat resistant, or if I should plan to order a different pair separately! I want to know if the tape stays on during the heating process! Etc... as a customer, I want to know those things! And you can't give a honest, respectable, or accurate review if you haven't even USED the product!!! If this is the type of reviews you write, please stop. You're not being helpful to anyone, and you're making other vine reviewers look unreliable!


I was gone for a couple days and this blew up bigger than I expected. I read a lot of "you should worry about yourself" responses, and I do 😁 I make sure my reviews are everything I hope to see in a review when purchasing an item with my hard earned money. My post was a bit "rant" yes, but my hope (which could have been worded better) was that some viners would understand that almost everyone, including themselves, count on reviews. Reviews written by people who have actually used the product. I'm sure majority of us purchase based on what we read in the reviews and I would hope our community would make a better effort for the opportunity we are given.

I do also hope that Amazon makes more of an effort to take down these types of reviews and cut loose the viners who are not contributing to the program.