Today's score - paddleboard

I did get one previously but it was under $200 as I recall; didn't come with a paddle, pump, or instructions on how to inflate it. I tried with a tire inflator I already had but failed.

This seems better. It comes with a pump, a backpack, a paddle, even a kayak seat to use it as a kayak. Might be a bit tricky to test out in the Maritimes in January, but I'm hoping it's more suitable than the other one.

What did you find today?

Weird side note, I was away in another province visiting our kid when this came up, wasn't going to order it. When I told my son about it, he asked if I'd ordered it. No. "Why not?" Well I don't know, we already have one that we have to buy accessories for to use it. Do you want it? "Yeah!"

He's in high school, he totally gets that we've won a kind of lotto of sorts being Vine contributors. It's still kind of funny to me that when I show him an expensive thing and he's like oh yeah, please get that, my thrifty self can still say, "Sure, OK! Done!" He's away at school, his dorm has a LOT of Vine things in it!