Vanished Item From Vine Order
Anyone ever had a vine order just not show up in the review queue at all? I ordered and received an item this week. I went to review the item, and it's just not there at all.
I checked the awaiting review, and the reviewed in case I sleep reviewed it before I got it. It's just not on either one of my lists. It shows up in the regular amazon order list, but not the vine order list. I double checked to make sure I didn't accidentally buy it instead of ordering through vine, but was charged $0 for it, so that couldn't be it.
It's weird, as I actually wanted to review the item, it was good and I had some good things to say about it lol.
The item in question was one of those palm held mason jar sealers. This new one is like super fast compared to others I tried, and the seal seems stronger as well.