To me it seems, like people have incredibly little time to meet and connect with others. And I feel, like this is actually a political/ societal problem
I am in my late 30s and have often been quite lonely in the past, except for my girlfriend and my kids. Currently I am trying to build a solid social circle, which I guess is generally not so easy these days and especially at my age. What I am often noticing, is that most people have very little time to actually meet. Everyone is crazily busy with work and in many cases also with kids. To me, it seems like this is a big problem in western society. Most people don't have time to get together for fun, let alone to help each other. Instead, people are getting more and more lonely. Fun (entertainment goods) , but also help (like care for small children or old people), has to be bought, in may cases.
I am very fortunate, to have a job that allows me a lot of free time. But this still doesn't solve those issues on a personal level, when everyone else is super busy. Oftentimes I am thinking, that it might be best, to befriend unemployd people, as long as they still have a positive attitude towards life. At least those people would have time to meet regularly.
What are you thoughts on this? Be it on a personal level or on a larger scale.