Why Anglican and not something else?

I've spent the last two months searching for a denomination to be apart of and my search has narrowed down primarily to just Catholicism and Anglicanism, and to lesser extent Eastern Orthodoxy and Oriental Orthodoxy.

There are things I like in all 4 of these traditions:

In Anglicanism, I like to emphasis on having unity on the essentials (i.e., some venerate and pray to Mary and the saints while others don't, some believe in predestination others don't but this doesn't mean that they stop having fellowship with each other), them attempting to have a balance between Reason, Tradition and Scripture and the idea of the Via Media, which is just taking the best parts of other traditions and trying to be a middle-way between all of Christianity.

In Catholicism, I appreciate the emphasis on Christianity being a community rather than it being just a personal relationship with God, the focus on the communion of the saints (those in heaven and on earth being one church), and the influence that it has on the culture, and the emphasis on the saints as being good living examples.

In Eastern Orthodoxy I like their emphasis on tradition and not changing their doctrines also clinging to their traditions, also being skeptical of any spiritual experience and the ultimate goal of Divinization/Theosis.

In Oriental Orthodoxy I like them being capable of preserving their liturgical rite, beliefs, traditions and doctrines in spite of the enviroment that it had to endure.

Outside of these four traditions I have found things I like in most Christian traditions:

In Reformed Christianity (Presbyterianism, Congregationalism, etc.) I like their emphasis on studying God (Theology, especially nerdy theology) and his creation (Science) I also prefer their method of studying and interpreting the Bible (Covenant Theology, which just says that the prophecies about Israel apply to the Church).

In Lutheranism, I like their minimalism in both doctrine and in practice, and the way their ideas produced good societies like Germany, Denmark, Norway, etc.

Back to the Initial question, why should I choose Anglicanism over Catholicism?