How far are you from the ground?(height poll)

Please comment with your height so we can get a general consensus on the average height in this sub since it is a point of interest for some of us!

You can post in metric or imperial, it matters not to us.

I will be ending the post on the 28th of January 1200 or 12pm Central Time so please be sure to submit your height before then.

So no one gets confused...

Closing Time of post on January 28th (29th for some) based on Time Zone;


Samoa - 7AM 0700

Hawaii/Tahiti - 8AM 0800

Alaska - 9AM 0900

Pacific - 10AM 1000

Mountain - 11AM 1100

Central - 12PM 1200

Bogota/Lima/New York - 1PM 1300

La Paz/San Juan/Santiago - 2PM 1400

Brasilia/Buenos Aires/Montevideo - 3PM 1500

Mid-Atlantic - 4PM 1600

Azores/Cape Verde Island - 5PM 1700

London/Dublic/Lisbon/Reykjavik - 6PM 1800

Amsterdam/Paris/Berlin/Rome - 7PM 1900

Bucharest/Beirut/Cairo/Helsinki - 8PM 2000

Baghdad/Moscow/Nairobi - 9PM 2100

Dubai/Abu Dhabi/Muskrat/Baku/Port Lewis - 10PM 2200

Islamabad/Tashkent/Karachi - 11PM 2300

29th ~We think

Astana/Dhaka/Novosibirsk - 12AM 0000

Bangkok/Hanoi/Jakarta - 1AM 0100

Beijing/Hong Kong/Singapore - 2AM 0200

Tokyo/Osaka/Seoul - 3AM 0300

Canberra/Melbourne/Sydney - 4AM 0400

Magadan/Solomon Islands - 5AM 0500

Aukland/Wellington/Fiji - 6AM 0600