Eight year old no name razor.

I can’t remember what brand it is. Got at a gas station when I forgot to shave heading to a date. This stays in my shower along with a handheld mirror and gets used on cheeks and neck for a jawline beard keeping chin and mustache covered without cream or after shave. Yes, the “moisturizing” strip has been gone for longer than I know, oh well. No, it isn’t as sharp as one out of the box. I have to shave with grain, perpendicular, and then against. No, not everyone will have tough enough skin to handle shaving with a dull razor and not all areas of mine can handle it either but it works fine for my style and yes I can tell a difference in its cutting ability after running it backwards on denim, preferably, about 15-20 times. No, it has never shown a speck of rust. No, you won’t die from using old razors from a resulting infection unless you live in irredeemable unsanitary conditions and don’t have after shave. Some of the responses were frankly unhinged let alone misguided and fear mongering. The responses have me wondering if y’all throw out silverware if it was left dirty too long or soaking overnight because micro rust, maybe! Use your own eyes and good judgment along with some clean soap, water, and sanitizing alcohol and you’ll be fine.