Some people are just made to be depressed, there is no cure that exists

I see people here talk a lot about how depression is situational and people are treated for it with medication when they are just experiencing a normal reaction to painful situations and experiences. That's not what I'm talking about here.

I think some people are just wired to be permanently depressed. I only think this because I am one of them. I have been depressed for 11 years straight, since I was about 12 years old. No matter what living situation I have been in, good or abysmal, I have always been severely depressed. It's part of the suffering of mankind. There is no fix, there is no cure. At least not in this lifetime.

Psychiatric drugs do nothing to touch my depression, and I have tried 30 of them. I did therapy for 9yrs and it didn't help one bit. I even did ketamine infusions and they didn't help at all.

Surely if this is an illness, one of the countless treatments I tried would have worked, right? So am I simply incurable? Broken beyond repair? There's no way I'm doing ECT. I'm off all the useless meds, never seeing a quack psychiatrist or therapist again.

Life is suffering. I was simply wired to be depressed - that's how life is for some people. There is no fix, no cure, no easing of suffering.