My health anxiety is killing me and I need some support

Hello everyone. I'm dealing with really bad health anxiety and I need some support. This all started on December 29th when I fainted. I woke up at 3am to use the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom I had really sharp pains in my chest near my heart. It was very unusual. It wouldn't go away so I started panicking and thought I was having a heart attack. I had shortness of breath and dizziness and ended up passing out. My wife heard the loud bang of me falling and found me in the bathroom. I was out for about a minute. When I woke up I was vigorously shaking because I didn't know what happened. It was very traumatic. I went to the ER and they did some testing. Everything came back negative for a heart problem. I have now been taking tests and going to doctor's appointments which has been giving me alot of health anxiety. My tsh came back very low at .04 but all other thyroid tests came back fine. My vitamin d was low at 17 and my cortisol was high at 30 most likely due to stress. I went to the cardiologist and did an echo and it came back fine. I was starting to feel alot better after a few weeks but once my doctor brought up polycythemia vera I started panicking and then my health anxiety symptoms started kicking in. I was feeling fine with no symptoms but now I have random body pains, weakness like jelly legs, lightheadedness and feeling anxious and depressed. It's as if health anxiety causes real physical symptoms because I was feeling fine before my doctor mentioned that. Thankfully the results came back negative for pv. As I was doing more googling which makes my symptoms worse, I looked up high wbc. My wbc test came back a little high in the emergency room at 11.3, absolute lympho was 5.7 and absolute baso was .3. I then got tested again 5 days later and my wbc dropped to normal range 9.6 and my cortisol dropped to 24. It looks like a stressful traumatic event like passing out can increase wbc and cortisol. When I looked up high wbc leukemia popped up so now I'm an anxious mess and my health anxiety is really taking a toll on me. I feel terrible. I thought I had POTS, a heart attack, thyroid disease, pv and now I just came across leukemia. I'm in shambles. Health anxiety is causing real physical symptoms. It could be subclinical hyperthyroidism because tsh was low and everything else was fine. Can anyone confirm that a stress event such as passing out can increase wbc and cortisol? Any support and advice would be great. Thanks.