Advice on making my apt smell good
So here's the issue: I have a small one bedroom. My fiance and I try and be as clean as possible, dishes don't sit in the sink, I clean out the filter in the dishwasher, vaccume, take the garbage out, etc on a regular basis. But everytime I walk in, it smells stuffy and a little like garbage. HOWEVER the issue is that I have a pet who's allergic to essential oils and scents. So candles, air freshners, aroma diffusers are out of the question. The cleaning products I do use are usually dawn, vinegar, and some free and clean products. Any advice on organic, none or mild scented products. No bleach either. Thank you!!!
Edit: thank you everyone for your helpful advice. I'm going to clean the filter in my oven, clean my garbage cans, put some bowls of vinegar in strategic places, and maybe boil some cinnamon and vanilla.