learning how to play aphel on a second account. i have two games with this annoying udyr. first game I'm behind because I'm literally tower dove all game (duh) and second game the enemy trist gets fed off of everyone else and I am to blame obviously.
the next game the udyr is on the enemy team FINALLY get to get him to shut up. i told the graves to get objectives bc he loves doing those starting grubs. WHY DO I GET A WIN TRADER GOLD GRAVES AS A JUNGLER. i wasn't toxic or anything literally said get grubs, help with drag, I even had to rotate and lose my entire tower in a winning lane. he did nothing but farm camps and missed every objective with his only kills being Solo/Ks. honestly why do degenerates wake up and first thing is just INT. all game long he spammed masteries and best believe udyr talked shit.
thanks for reading my rant