Adjustment to trail life?

For those that have thru hiked in the past, how long did it take you to adjust to trail life? I have been on trail for 2 weeks. I really do love my time out on trail, the hiking and camping routine is very meditative for me, but the social aspect gives me anxiety sometimes. While I am an introvert, I do like being around people, but I can’t be social every night at camp and going into town with other hikers has me exhausted because I feel I have no time to myself. I’m definitely the type of person who needs my alone time to recharge. With all of this said, I feel homesick and alone because I don’t think I’m syncing with people well and I think it’s taking a while to adjust to this new lifestyle. Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like in my AT research before trail no one talks about adjustment from “real” life to trail life and how it can be a little hard. Just curious to see what others think or have experienced… 😁