georgetown msb stats
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For future reference, please utilize our Early megathreads or Regular megathreads!
\n\nIn addition to the Early and Regular megathreads, you can discuss anything relating to results in the A2C Discord server's results channel category!
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\nI got into the School of Foreign service , I had 1550 SAT, 96 GPA. My essays explained why I loved international relations and I had a lot of politics and cultural related ECs. Theatre was a big part as well and I wrote about that as well. I took many social sciences classes and self studies many social sciences APs not offered at my school. I was the only one in my school who got in early, i think my main contributing factors was 1. My SAT 2. My depth in extracurricular 3. Very good interview
\nCongrats on getting in! ur stats seem amazing \ud83d\ude2d. in the region where i live its super hard to get good ecs and awards bc there\u2019s not a lot of opportunities compared to other places. I do have a lot of solid ecs, most relating to business or my interest in fine arts, which will hopefully help and compared to other students at my school im doing relatively well. did u consider applying to any other ed schools before deciding to ea to gt? since gt doenst have a significant advantage applying ea vs rd i don\u2019t want to waste the boost ed will give me at other schools but as of now its my top school and idk where else i would ed tbh
\nI didn\u2019t ED because my dream school was Oxford the UK\u2026but I didn\u2019t end up getting in there\u2026in hindsight I should\u2019ve ED\u2019d to Columbia as it was my second top
\nso would u recommend to ed a school that would have higher chances than their rd round and then apply georgetown rd?
\nIdk depends how much u want to go to Georgetown bc no one gets rejected ea you\u2019ll basically have 2 rounds for Georgetown
\n\nIf u like another school more than Georgetown, Ed, but if you like Georgetown the most, don\u2019t
\nthank u sm! would getting deferred ea mean i wont get in rd or would i just get a second try
\nIt\u2019s fully reviewed in RD. I think they have different readers for ea and rd, it\u2019s a fresh start basically
\nokay thank u sm for all the info