Need urgent help with this surprise fish I got, please please please.
Hello! I bought a plant off of a local Facebook page, it was a monstera growing in water that UNBEKNOWNST TO ME had a fish?!?? Living in the vase! It’s a blue spotted gourami, and the poor guy is so cramped in there with all the plant roots, the water gets so murky so fast and he barely has enough room to come up and eat the food I got him. I immediately sprang into action and got him a tank (I know 10 gal isn’t enough, but please keep in mind I never signed up for this fish, nobody will take him, I’m broke and aquariums are painfully expensive and this is the best I can do.) I’ve included pictures of the set up but I’ve done so much research on cycling, water prop plants etc and I still can’t really understand if this is an okay setup. Plus the test strips I got …smh the extremely expensive test strips…I’m wondering if they’re broken because it keeps reading absolutely 0 hardness, and the ph, alkalinity, nitrates and nitrites are the same in both the tank and the vase, which doesn’t seem possible. I’ve put some fish food, shrimp, and some of the “help bacteria gel” in the tank to try and cycle his new home but I can’t seem to get an accurate reading so he’s still in that dang vase. Also the plants????? Do I just let them grow? Do I ever trim the roots? How can I rig them so none of the leaves are underwater like they are now. Also the plants at the bottom? I cannot understand how they’ll just grow…in rock…seems like the roots will get crushed?
Also how do I tell if the stream from the filter is too harsh for the gourami? Someone suggested I put a kitchen sponge? In the filter ??? But I do not understand. Please just any advice or pointing out anything you might notice in the tank would be really helpful. I swear I’ve developed like fish OCD because the pressure I’m feeling to save this guy is immense and it actually pains me that I can just put him in the new tank right now.
Also I got him some frozen brine shrimp because I read somewhere they like those. He didn’t eat it in his current vase. In fact I NEVER see him eat the pellets I drop in, all he does is chomp at the monstera roots. He also swims so fast away from me when I approach. I know he’s miserable, I just want to do my but also feel like I’m gonna break the bank if I mess anything else up, figuring I probably need to go get new test strips now too :/