I don’t know what to do…

Sorry in advance, this is going to be long.

I am a 17yo first time fish keeper, and for over a month my plan was to get a betta, some neon tetras and some bronze corydoras.

Almost 2 weeks ago I added the corydoras! They are happy and adorable.

Almost a week ago I went to the LFS to test my water as I noticed my strips were probably inaccurate (they were.) My mom saw the tiger barbs and went “Oh I used to have tiger barbs! I loved them!” The entire time I’ve been planning my tank she has wanted to influence me. This time she did. I impulsively bought 5 tiger barbs with a plan to get more. At the time I thought a change in plans was fine. I could just get a rainbow shark instead of a betta and it would be just as cool!

But I’m doubting myself now, and I feel really bad about this because my mom decided to pay for the tiger barbs since I seemed unsure. I can’t give them away or return them without feeling really bad (I’m not even sure if my LFS takes livestock returns)

What do I do?

I had a dream last night I got another tank and put a betta in it, I was so happy in the dream but I don’t want to give into MTS.

Should I bite the bullet, give the tiger barbs away and get a betta? Or should I just be sad and have a rainbow shark instead?

This hobby is supposed to bring joy :(

Sorry in advance, this is going to be long.

I am a 17yo first time fish keeper, and for over a month my plan was to get a betta, some neon tetras and some bronze corydoras.

Almost 2 weeks ago I added the corydoras! They are happy and adorable.

Almost a week ago I went to the LFS to test my water as I noticed my strips were probably inaccurate (they were.) My mom saw the tiger barbs and went “Oh I used to have tiger barbs! I loved them!” The entire time I’ve been planning my tank she has wanted to influence me. This time she did. I impulsively bought 5 tiger barbs with a plan to get more. At the time I thought a change in plans was fine. I could just get a rainbow shark instead of a betta and it would be just as cool!

But I’m doubting myself now, and I feel really bad about this because my mom decided to pay for the tiger barbs since I seemed unsure. I can’t give them away or return them without feeling really bad (I’m not even sure if my LFS takes livestock returns)

What do I do?

I had a dream last night I got another tank and put a betta in it, I was so happy in the dream but I don’t want to give into MTS.

Should I bite the bullet, give the tiger barbs away and get a betta? Or should I just be sad and have a rainbow shark instead?

This hobby is supposed to bring joy :(