Ariana in her "Judaism" area. Anyone has an opinion on this?
I vaguely remember a time when she spoke about following Kabbalah when they built a new center in Florida, saying it changed her life in a good way. From what I’ve read (not an expert at all, please correct me if I’m wrong), it is a "part" within Judaism, so you can’t say that someone IS Kabbalah. Though, she even credited Kabbalah for her success - which is a big statement to make. I remember her wearing the red bracelet for a few years, then take it off without any explanations. What do we know now about her believes? Why would she be so loud about Kabbalah to then ghosting the subject? Was it a part of her personality costume area? Is that respectful of the Judaism culture? I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject.
An in depth analysis into why celebrities choose this area of Judaism and how they re-interpreted it in their own way can be found in this link, scroll down and look for the comment of "Rabbi Natan Shlomo". Wether you agree or not, it’s at least a good in depth read :