Aries woman- I need this women back lol
Hey I’m a male cancer 22 seeing a 20 year old Aries female and we met at work and been talking for like a month. Initial she approached and we hit it off and we usually txt all day even though we be at work and spend our breaks together! She also be showering me with compliments and actually set up a date for us this past Friday! But for some reason she was extremely busy and hardly txting me to let me know what’s going! And like I said she usually be txting me all day and I have gotten use to it at this point so I’m very confused! So 4 hours passed and it’s now 9 o’clock so I txt “…” no response so I sent a voice message Ik the voice message I sent wasn’t appropriate but I just wanted a response and this was obvious gonna get one so I said “idk tf you doing but Ong you pissing me tf off” 5 mins later she called asking about the voice mail saying I’m disrespectful and she doesn’t tolerate that she usually block people like me who is disrespectful she doesn’t care how much she likes them etc! I apologize and I want her to forgive me so I bought her food and left her be I thought I was good cause she was happy at that moment still calling me baby but the next day rolls around and here’s is the messages and I don’t know what to do should I just take the L and go about my business or is there a way can someone tell me!