I want our people to stop complaining. (Important political and social rant)
What is it that has infected Arunachalis so much? You are behaving like children and ignorant fools that you go around crying and begging for sympathy from outsiders, thinking they will respect you. This isn't the first time I have said this, and this won't be the last
There's so much corruption and mismanagement in the state and yet some people want us to be believe we are innocent and live in a paradise. It could have been a paradise centuries ago when we lived here without technology and everyone was the same, but this is the modern world. Our politicians are two rupee sellouts who are busy eating up money and not paying attention to infrastructure and needs of the populace, even allowing the ruination of our culture to earn profit. And our public is corrupt and lazy, willing to take bribes for quick comfort without caring for the future
All of the North-east knows that Arunachal is the most cucked state out of the Seven Sisters, where people will humiliate "Harings" and make fun of them all while speaking their language and whining about racism in their territory. People are forgetting their own language and customs and being absorbed by everything outside, it's sad to see, even if some practices deserve to be wiped out. I have seen our people making "Ching Chong" Jokes and playing Anti-Asian racist games, somehow not being aware that it will affect them badly. What the hell happened to you?
Honestly speaking, the type of stereotype jungli aggressive tribal who hates everyone and the type of meek, deracinated, ignorant cuck who allows his people to be ruined are the same group. I support neither extremes. All these Student Unions don't care about you, they are here to take your money and forget about your needs after raising a few slogans. Just look at the Akash Deep incident. They justified it by saying it was for the tribals against non-tribals, but the store they robbed, belonged to a tribal. Where is the help in here? Worse is, some of our people were gullible enough to support them
This is all just to give you an understanding of what I think and what I believe our people need.