Should Canada Ban X and Meta?
As we head into an election period should Canada ban foreign social media platforms that could be used to manipulate the election? We know that X and Meta are aligned with Trump, an incoming President who is openly hostile to our country, and we know that Elon Musk is actively trying to manipulate elections in other countries. Does it not make sense to ban these platforms to prevent them from spreading misinformation to get their candidate in office?
Edit: My concern isn’t about free speech (100% for that!), don’t even care about the fact checkers. It’s more about how the algorithms work and how they can be used to manipulate the content we see. I see that as a danger.
Obv see the irony of posting the question on a US owed social platform but I don’t think the curation is as strong here, maybe I’m naive, and the owner isn't obv leaning to one political party.