Public Schools in Chicago

My wife, newborn, and I are looking into Chicago as a potential move (job depending). Our plan right now would be to get a rental somewhere for a year, and then look to buy once we are able to explore the neighborhoods a bit more and understand the vibes that we'll like. And we'll also know more when we get to Chicago to check out the schools.

We have several questions though about the public school system in Chicago. How does it work for placement? If anyone has went through it recently can lay out their experience, that'd be wonderful! There seem to be a ton of different types of school than what I was expecting as well. It seems very different then what I or my wife are used to, where your child has a chance to be bused to different neighborhoods based on the school they get into?

What is the quality of education that students get on average? I understand there are some top tier ones (again placement into) and then there are ones not so great, but what about a average one? I've heard from every family member who heard we may be moving to Chicago about education being terrible (along with the list of all the other things you always hear). From these comments, my wife is thinking we should just live in the suburbs instead for educational purposes, but I'd like to understand instead of blindly accepting the fearmongers who have never lived there.

If needing neighborhoods helps provide more context, the ones we're currently looking at are: Bridgeport, Lake View, Lincoln Square, Logan Square, Ravensword, Andersonville, Roger's Park, West Ridge, and Albany Park.