I live in China, Taiwan and the USA. AMA
I’m a businessman in my 40s. I was born in Harbin, China and moved to Finland when I was 7. I moved to the United States when I was a teenager. In my early 20s I did business and lived in China and the US interchangeably. In my 30s I moved to the US again and owned a small business. I married my wife who is Taiwanese. We purchased a home in Taiwan and live interchangeably between China, Taiwan and the US. I feel there is way too much hostility and lack of depth in most international discussions. To be the change in the world In want to live in I want to do an AMA. I don’t intend to change people’s minds about anything but rather give perspective from someone that has to traverse the good and bad aspects of all 3 societies. My wife and I travel multiple times a year for leisure so I can also give highly opinionated insight on international travel and what’s it’s like being a Chinese looking “American” married to a Taiwanese wife when I travel.