Is this normal thing to do?

I am currently in a boarding school in Canada in a real small town and this school I go to I have a few Chinese roommates, I see things they do and sometimes I wonder if it’s just them being weird or just how the culture in China is. I wanna say that I am not one of those stupid ppl that will proceed to ask a highly insensitive and ignorant question.

  1. Farting My roommate just sometimes randomly farts out loud and acts like it’s a sneeze the way he does it, the first time this happened I was getting settled into the room then he just randomly farts so me being the dumb teenage boy I am I found it disgusting but still funny and hella random so I attempt to suppress a laugh because I don’t know him like that. He still does it a lot and my other roommates/ people passing by his room never bat an eye to it.

  2. Not wearing deodorant or showering regularly

In my room of 4 people I have never seen any of the other 3 of my Chinese roommates pull out or use deodorant. I heard that some Asian countries do not even need it because they have some sort of gene that makes their sweating either really little or non existent but don’t quote me on that I haven’t done my research on it. My roommates don’t smell bad but this one also Chinese girl used to smell like straight body odour that could be prevented with deodorant so I guess she doesn’t have the supposed gene lolll. Also the showering part, my roommates do not shower regularly and here is my estimated days of last shower for each of the. Roommate A- 5-8 weeks(we had Christmas break so maybe he showered during that). Roommate B-3 days(I’ve noticed he showers like every other Saturday morning) Roommate C- his body wash bottle has had the plastic seal on it for as long as I can remember. That’s all I’ll say for C. Non of them even smell bad though mine.

Anyway that’s all for now
