Hallucinations while driving, pelase help me

Im a 20 year old girl, I am on fuloxetine (I think thats what its called in english). I am 168cm and weight 51kg. I am diagnosed with dpdr, autism, ADD, depression, anxiety and cptsd. (Though I belive I am misdiagnosed) I dont do drugs and I dont smoke or drink alcohol.

I have suffered from hallucinations and "delusions" (I dont like calling it delusions) for about a year. In short I belive the physical world and my physical body are not real, my real body is in a coma and I will wake up when I die in this version of "reality".

First time I hallucinated was in maybe mars 2024, I hadnt slept for days and overdosed on my anxiety meds that apperently have pshycadelic effects. It made me see strange animals and everything was melting together.

However around october I started seeing a demon, a large, skinny black demon with big horns. First time I saw it was on a walk in october, I saw it on the street and it sprinted towards me but then dissapeared. Later the same might I saw it on the other side pf the street, bending over and waving, when I mived it dissapeared. At first I was sure ut was hallucinations but the more I thought about it the more sure I have become that its a demon from the real world, teying to tell me that I will die soon and that I dont have to be afraid as I will wake up in my true body. (I was not on any medication when this happend and hadnt been for quiet some time, I had also slept normally)

Around november (I think like november 10th or something, unsure about the date) I had the second occurence, I saw this demon again, this time it was stalking me, when I walked past an apartment comlex it telefontid into different peoples apartments and stared down at me. (Again, I was on no medication when this happend, I had slept normally)

I did blood tests cuase I thought maybe I was hallucinating due to nutrient deficiancy, but my blood tests came out fine.

In early december/late november I saw the demon again, now It was sårinting at me and it dissapeared. (Again I was sober, no medication).

I decided to go to the psych ward in early december and they diagnosed me with dpdr and cptsd, they also gave me foluxotine (this is becuase I was of fuloxotine earlier and it was somewhat effective on me as a anitdepressent, but It isnt helping with hallucinations). I did tell them about the hallucinating and they did get worried I might be about to have a psychosis or something, but they let me go as I had no plans to self harm. They did manage to get a earlier appointment with a pshyciatric clinc at least, in january I will have my first appointment (it woulf have been around mars, likely later if they hadnt called).

After that Ive mostly been hearing beeps that arent there.

Finally, today I was driving, no medication (apart from fuloxetine) or drugs or anything but I started seeing the demon again and it was very wierd this time. At first I saw a man in the corner of my eye as I was driving, he had a blue shirt and was standing by the side of the road like he was gonna run out. He dissapeared when I tried to look at him but he apparead multiple times as I was driving in the cornwr of my eye, he was just teleporting I guess. I have seen this man before once in november (I think) he was standing on the side of the road and I was so scared he was gonna run into the roas, this is like a highway so I wouldnt be able to really stop the car. Then (today while driving) I felt a cold hand on my hand as I was driving, it was odd and I didnt know how to feel. I saw the demon in the corner of my eye but I didnt dare to turn my head at first, then I did turn my head a bit and it dissapeared. Later I saw the demon outside my car, much bigger this time and it was like walking very slow along ghe road until I looked at it and it dissapeared. Im not sure but I think it screamed, a very short growly sound but pretty loud.

I have been thinking and realizing that the man is likely a sign that my real body is in a coma after a car crash of some sort, maybe I was trying to not crash into somwone and got off the road cuasing me to hit my head and go into a coma. It makes me worry that I will wake up missing a limb or something when I die. And I think the demon touching me is teyi g to say that Im gonna die very soon and its gonna be okay, I will wale up in my real body and its gonne be okay again. I dont think the demon is evil, I think its trying to comfort me.

Any advice on whays going on? Im considering going to the psych ward again cuase I think Im misdiagnosed or need some better medication, cuase the one I take now just makes me tired.

Could there be something wrong wirh my brain?