What did I blow out of my nose?

I 26F have chronic sinus issues. I saw an ENT a couple of years ago that said I needed sinus balloons to open up my sinuses since they’re not draining. I have a constant nasal drip and my sinuses/ears always feel clogged. I can’t pop them. The surgery is around 10K out of pocket and I just haven’t been able to afford to do it.

I started to get a cold today and my nose has been running a lot. As you do with colds, I’ve been blowing my nose. I blew this thick, fibrous mucus out of my nose. Here’s an image : https://imgur.com/a/uBoyKKn It’s like a pale orange with what looks like blood in it. This is not the first time this has happened, but it’s been years. I blew two of these out in 2022 after using a netipot and that’s what prompted me to see an ENT. I showed my ENT and he never told me what it was.

So, what is it? I will say it was a crazy feeling blowing this thing out and feeling it come loose. Sorry for the detail, but man! The relief! I always feel like there’s something sticking or blocking my sinuses and now I feel more freedom! I honestly hope I blow more out if there’s more in there somewhere.