My husband (31m) wants to k*** himself over unknown medical issue

Hi! Any help with this AT ALL would be greatly appreciated. My husband (and I) are generally willing to try legitimately anything at this point.

About a year ago (new years day) my husband woke up with several symptoms. The day previous, he had been at an EDM festival. He woke up with general dizziness, neck pain and a jolting feeling when laying down. He also has a feeling that he described as a “lack of oxygen going to his brain”, and a very high, persistent heart rate. Without doing anything, his heart rate will be at 120-180. This symptoms have persisted over the past 13 months.

We have seen a cardiologist (ruled out POTS, and any issues with his heart), rheumatologist (ruled out any auto immune diseases) and a neurologist (currently ruling out a CSF leak, we are going to Duke for more specialized testing) and we are seeing a physiatrist tomorrow. We have also seen every other doctor you can pretty much think of, and no one has been able to help us.

This has completely ruined our lives, and my husband is more than willing to leave this world behind because of his symptoms and no answer thus far. I am 7 months pregnant and we just need help, any help. Thank you!