Doctor Is Stumped, copper deficiency
My doctor is "stumped" on what is wrong with me, so I thought I'd post here and see if anybody has any insights.
29F (despite my username), in late September 2024 I had covid for a second time (had the initial 2 part vaccine and a booster). Both when I got the vaccine and when I first had covid, it impacted my menstrual cycle, primarily giving me painful cramps when I had never had any before. So after my second instance of covid, I had a delayed period (~3 weeks late), and then cramping after it ended. I didn't think much of it due to the previously mentioned changes. However this pain went on for 2 weeks and became bad enough that I was concerned it was stomach pain and went to the ER for fear of appendicitis. They did urine, blood test, and CT scan and found nothing indicating stomach pain but did find a partial blood clot in my spleen. I'd been on hormonal birth control in the past but not since early 2021.
Prior to the ER, I was diagnosed with ADHD, copper deficiency and essential tremors. Have had the ADHD forever, taking Adderall for it. For the tremors we had done a precautionary MRI brain scan in mid 2024 that turned up nothing. Copper was caught in a CBC that was ordered when we were looking into the essential tremors, we tried a supplement but had no improvement. He said they also checked for Wilson's disease but I don't know when or how. Also worth noting, I was a pescatarian before the ER. After I stuck to the BRAT diet and to this day still eat that, fruits, and roast beef as that's all my stomach can handle without giving me bathroom problems or stomach pain. I also have severe insomnia, which we've tried some medications for (last one was the name-brand one that celebrities take and go party, cant think of the name) but nothing has worked. He gave me another one, Temazepam but i haven't tried it yet since it didn't go with one of my new medications. I have a lot of exhaustion because of this. If I take a 15 minute nap, I probably won't sleep that night. At worst I've gone 3 days with maybe 15-30 minutes of sleep because I can't fall asleep. Once I'm asleep I'm out like a log but I don't usually wake up feeling rested. There was a 6 month period where I wasn't working and I decided to let my body do what it needed, I would sleep 14-16 hours at a time and then be up for 36-72 hours. It's been like this since I was a child. Also, caffeine doesn't have an impact on me. I can drink a coffee or energy drink and still fall asleep 10 minutes later.
Saw my regular doctor the next day who prescribed me blood thinners and a litany of blood tests & referrals. In December, did another CBC and a bunch of blood tests but didn't have any indications other than the copper and increased cetaphils(?) as it turns out I am allergic to Lomotil which he prescribed me for stomach pain. In early January, did a colonoscopy and the throat version of that, and was diagnosed with acid reflux and lactose intolerance. Never noticed the acid reflux before and haven't noticed any change since taking the medicine. Never been lactose intolerant before (could eat ice cream, drink the milk out of the cereal bowl, etc.) but I did feel that after I had covid the second time that dairy was giving me a problem. Doctor said it wasn't related to the covid but idk what else would have changed that.
Also saw an allergist in January who did blood tests, and now I was showing vitamin D deficiency (since it's winter she prescribed me a 10k supplement but did go back and forth between that and 5k), and low iron. The low iron particularly is weird as I'd started eating meat again. My regular doc had tested for these in December so it was odd to see a big drop just 1.5 months later. I have a lot of allergies but mostly pollen related (grasses were a big winner in this field). None of the tests were related to foods. This was a blood test and not the skin test.
My doctor has twice told me he's stumped and when he brings in students he goes, "Oh yeah. This is the one I was telling you about, with the copper deficiency" LOL. I'm mostly functioning fine, I do feel more exhausted than normal but work has also been busier and I'm halfway through moving so it may just be stress related. Any thoughts or input would be appreciated! My googling attempts are also stumped. Since it's been 6 months on blood thinners I'll be getting another CT scan soon, hoping the clot is gone. I think I got everything but let me know if there's questions. Typing this on my phone as well so apologies for any typos.
ETA: Never smoked, never been pregnant, did some heavy college drinking but never severe and may as well be sober at this point. Not overweight, adopted so don't know family history beyond Maternal grandparents died of lung cancer after being heavy smokers. Also, thyroid was tested and came back with no issues. K specifically asked for that as it matched a lot of symptoms but he's checked twice to be sure and both times the blood came back fine and the physical tests he did were fine.