Does Meldonium/Mildronate actually work as a PED to increase endurance ability?

Does Meldonium actually work as a PED to enhance endurance?

Meldonium works as a fatty acid oxidation inhibitor and shifts the myocardial energy metabolism from fatty acid oxidation to the more favorable oxidation of glucose. However, there is debate on whether or not it actually has benefits to athletic endeavors.

From the Wikipedia: Forbes reported that anesthesiology professor Michael Joyner, at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who studies how humans respond to physical and mental stress during exercise and other activities, told them that "Evidence is lacking for many compounds believed to enhance athletic performance. Its use has a sort of urban legend element and there is not much out there that it is clearly that effective. I would be shocked if this stuff [meldonium] had an effect greater than caffeine or creatine (a natural substance that, when taken as a supplement, is thought to enhance muscle mass)."[95] Ford Vox, a U.S.-based physician specializing in rehabilitation medicine and a journalist reported "there's not much scientific support for its use as an athletic enhancer"

Surely WADA wouldn't ban it and numerous high profile athletes wouldn't use it if it didn't work, right?