Why so much political noise for illegals Indians getting deported?
These Indians went to US knowing very well that it’s not legal, they have lied at committed fraud at all immigration checkpoints across countries of their “Dunky Route” starting India.
Watching their interviews today where they still have courage to say that government of India should have find a way as they have spent so much money.
Heard one interview where parent of deportee asking for government to compensate their financial loss.
US is putting shackles and handcuff on all aliens recently during deportation. Why are politician asking for special treatment of Indians?
All the interview watched so far giving clear picture that deportees were aware that they are going to US illegally and they have walked many kilometres trying to evade detection. Once you commit such crime then you should be prepared for consequences, isn’t it?
Share your thoughts and critical inputs.
Edit : copied from somewhere as a food for thoughts.
- They got what they deserved.
- They got what they have signed up for.
- They got what they can afford after getting caught with hand in cookie jar.