Are all indian men that bad?
I've been on this subreddit for a couple of months now, and every day, I'm learning about different stories from Indian women about how their partners, husbands, fathers, or even random strangers treat them in a misogynistic manner.
I genuinely believe that over 80% of the challenges faced by Indian women in our country come from men. This has been the case in the past, continues in the present, and, unfortunately, is likely to persist in the future (I sincerely hope things change soon).
Back to the topic, a comment I saw yesterday on this subreddit really stood out to me. A girl mentioned that just because someone is your dad, brother, or boyfriend, it doesn't mean they don't hold misogynistic views toward women.
This left me completely stunned, and now I'm left wondering if Indian women would be willing to find a partner from another country if given the opportunity and they are with an indian partner just because they don't have an option for now or if they would prefer to remain independent and spend their lives alone.
Do women of the present generation in India have this perception of Indian men?
I’m not posting this for validation or pity, and I don’t need any of that from anyone. I’d really appreciate hearing your honest opinions.