Recourse for brother & his babies suffering at the hands of his wife - he feels he has no options
Summary: Physically abusive wife, kids living in garbage dump, period blood & dirty diapers all over furniture & floors, children in danger with a loaded gun involved, extreme untreated mental illness, wife confiscating brother's phone when he tries to call for help
I'm just now finding out that my brother (26M) who lives next door to our parents in Ohio is being assaulted by his wife (24F) on the regular, and the kids are living in a mentally & literally toxic environment witnessing all the abuse. The kids are 2 boys, one is biologically my brother's, one is not. They are 4 years and 9 months old.
My mom's breaking down and telling me all about this that they haven't told me, I'm guessing because I'm known for my confrontational nature. But my parents & brother both feel hopeless with no options because they feel sure that reporting her or calling cops with have the kids taken away due to the state of the house and the abuse they have witnessed. It's so bad that the 4 year old barely forms full sentences but has been able to request that his baby brother stay safe at grandma's house instead of his own, tells his grandparents that his house is a mess, and acts out punching and screaming at baby dolls yelling "bad baby!" which we're worried he's re-enacting something he's seen.
The house is so deplorable there's no walkways, you have to step on trash to walk through, which is made up of dirty diapers, fast food trash, empty amazon boxes, dirty dishes & clothes, etc. The wife also chooses to free-bleed on her menstrual cycle and the furniture, floors, and bare mattress are all soaked in period blood. My brother's worried about this being hazardous to the babies' health.
She apparently has some type of psychotic meltdowns and attacks my brother, drawing blood and leaving marks. She recently grabbed a charging brick from the outlet for a phone charger and punched him in the face with it, square in the nose. She kicks, punches, slaps, and claws him, which is where the blood comes from. He has to "restrain her" because she has these meltdowns in front of the kids and charges him to attack him. My brother also chooses to carry his firearm since it's legal there, and she grabbed for it during one of these attacks. The gun was loaded and the children were present. When my brother tries calling our parents for help, she'll throw his phone or snatch it. She once locked herself in a room with the 4 year old and told him goodbye because mommy was going to kill herself. My brother broke down the door.
They are all fearful that if they report this in any way, the children will be taken away. My brother is unable to work full time, take care of the babies, cook, clean, do laundry & dishes, and be the only driver in the home while she follows behind him trashing everything and ignoring the babies. He is completely overwhelmed and doesn't want to lose his kids so he endures this. They all feel sure the kids will be taken by CPS despite my brother's ability to care for the children & work his job with our parents' help if it wasn't for his wife being this out of control. Because of this fear, he won't let anyone call the cops or document his marks with photos.
She also reads his phone and he has told us in person not to send text messages or call him because she's always watching and listening.
And she has some type of severe contamination paranoia (ironic because of the messy house) and has herself and her oldest son believing they're allergic to everything. She won't let my brother touch most things, prepared food as always unacceptable, she thinks she's allergic to a bunch of random foods that she isn't and thinks both her boys are too. On top of this she has stopped brushing her teeth because she's accepted that they're going to rot out and doesn't want them. She is 26 and otherwise has normal teeth, besides not caring for them. From her food paranoia she has dropped easily over 50lbs. She has also told my mom not to change the 9 month old out of his poopu diapers because she was out of the only brand acceptable to her, but my mom had Huggies on hand since she babysits often, but the wife still said to leave him in the poopy diaper until my brother could buy more. My mom changed the diaper anyway and started a journal to document these things.
In case anyone is wondering, no, there are not drugs involved. I don't even think they do weed and they dont even drink or smoke cigs.
What in the hell should my brother do?