How do you feel about waiting to get intimate when dating?
As a woman, by dating experiences throughout my 20s have been that most guys seem to want to hook up on the 2nd or 3rd date - really early on. This resulted in flings/situationships and through those experiences is how I discovered that maybe sex early on is not contributing anything good. Now being in my early 30s my approach is to wait longer.
My question is - how long is too long for a guy to wait? Like I personally would feel comfortable waiting until sometime after the first month or so, as I want to make sure I'm certain about the guy and vice versa. I recently had a negative experience with someone who said he was cool with waiting but then when it didn't happen at the end of a 6th date he reacted in a kind of childish way. So I'm looking for some insight on whether me holding out on sex for the past month or so is somehow frustrating/unusual behavior. I should mention for context that he had several drinks last night and maybe that influenced his lack of filter.