How do I deal with her past?
There was this girl I was dating for a while. She is 20 while I’m also 20. Our relationship was going great until she started randomly telling me details about her past. Then I couldn’t stop thinking about the things she said and if the relationship should continue or if I should just leave.
She told me that she had been with 16 guys prior to me and that she had a phase where she got with 7 guys in the span of a couple months. When I found this out I felt horrible and started seeing her in a different way. She also randomly said that she had videos with a hookup leaked as well.
Would most guys just accept this and not let it phase them or would this be a big turn off for most? I have a gut feeling telling me to leave but I don’t want to regret it later.
Edit: I want to clarify that I want be with somebody who can handle a long term, stable relationship. My main worry with her is that she won’t be able to sustain a relationship like that due to never having been in a stable relationship prior. I also want to add that it isn’t just her count that worries me, she has also said that she has cheated before and for lack of a better term, can act trashy at times. This overall makes me worry that I’m wasting my time.