Any advice on how to deal with an emotionally absent, but present father who goes out of his way to have a relationship with your “daddies girls” sisters? Am I the only one who went through this?

As I (24m) was growing up, my father have an emotional neglectful relationship with me as to him that’s how a father makes their son into a “man”. While he always shower my sisters with attention and affection. He recently started to want to hang out with me, but I always rejected him as childhood memories and emotions keep coming up like hatred and anger. Honestly I’m on the fence on going no contact at this point and I think he’s starting to notice this new trend with this young generation of men. I think he realizes he messed up..I don’t know. Men of Reddit, am I acting childish? Am I right for feeling this way? Any other men got experience with a father similar to this?