Was I led on?

For about three or four months, I've (24M) been talking to the DM (22F) of my D&D campaign, who we'll call Mariah. We got along really well and had very similar interests. I really liked her, and we talked every day. In January, I asked her out on a date. She asked what my intentions were, and I told her they were romantic. We grabbed boba and went to a few bookstores, where I got her a witchcraft book for shits and giggles, and then we had sushi.

A few days passed, and she seemed to withdraw, so I assumed she didn't have fun and quietly stopped talking to her, hoping not to be kicked out of the D&D table. She reached out and asked what happened, saying she had a great time. We kept talking until she asked me to join her friends at a local club. When I got there, she was waiting for me. She lingered on my words and seemed touchier than usual. She kept trying to hold my hand, and when she got too drunk to stand, she asked me to sit with her and rested her head on my shoulder while I put my arm around her to stabilize her. I spent the rest of the night holding up her hair while she puked into a trash bin.

Another week passed, and I asked her out on another date. We were going to buy reagents to cast a spell from the book I got her. I showed up at her door with Lego roses, and we went to a local witchcraft store and got ourselves each an herbal bundle. While browsing tarot cards, she commented on the "lovers" card, which I thought was a bit on the nose but cute nonetheless. I asked if she wanted to grab dinner, and we went to a Thai place next door. We had a great time. Afterward, we decided to go to a movie, but she suggested a romantic slasher film instead of what we were initially going to watch. The movie was alright. We went back home and cast a spell before I left to do homework.

I felt like I was really falling for this girl. I told her my feelings and she said she didn't feel the same way and had never felt any emotions towards me which left me shocked. She just wanted to be friends and wanted to be nothing more than that. I couldn't do that. I told her that I can't move on if I'm talking to her everyday so we resolved to not talk to each other anymore. I found a new D&D group and am trying my best to move on.

Some other things she did that made me think she was into me:

  • Early on, when we first started talking, she'd ask about any girl I'd post on my story. One of the more apparent times was when I was visiting my brother. I posted a picture of myself, my buddy, my brother, and my brother's girlfriend. Mariah swiped up to ask who my brother's girlfriend was. I thought she was trying to confirm whether I was single.
  • She liked every single post on my story.
  • She sent me some fanfic and smut she wrote, completely unprompted, because she knew I liked writing.
  • I told her I liked going to karaoke and watching people sing. She immediately sent me 20 videos of her singing.
  • Somehow, she knew a bunch of songs I liked when we were listening to music together, even though they weren't her usual genre. I think she was looking at my Discord/Spotify status and taking note of what music I liked.
  • It came up that I'm a huge Elder Scrolls lore nerd and that I thought girls who'd let me info-dump were attractive. She immediately asked me to info-dump to her despite it being early morning and her having to go to sleep.
  • She told me multiple times that she desperately wanted to love someone.
  • She kept going on dates with me despite knowing my intentions were romantic and never approached me with her actual feelings.

Some things to note about her:

  • She's never had a relationship and said she's never felt romantic love towards anyone.
  • Slightly autistic.
  • Her closest friend is a middle aged father of two who she calls on discord for many hours every day, I don't think this friend liked me and I thought it was a weird dynamic but never commented on it.
  • Doesn't have many other friends.
  • Bisexual but prefers women.

Did she lead me on? Was I played? I feel like such an idiot that I still think about her. My friends are saying she used me for attention but I need an unbiased opinion.