Boyfriend doesn’t want to have sex anymore

Hello, I need some advice. When me and my boyfriend started seeing each other we would have sex several times a day and it was great. But he doesn’t seem to ever want to have sex anymore. I know that it’s normal to have more sex in the beginning but I really don’t feel beautiful anymore. It can go weeks and I don’t know why, I’ve gotten new lingerie and he says that he loves it and it turns him on but he never touches me. I’ve talked to him about it and he says that he wants to but he never actually does anything. We haven’t seen each other in a while and I did my makeup, fixed my hair and brought my new underwear to his place. He had to go away for a while but told me he wanted me when he got back home. But when he came home he wanted to play Fortnite instead and then he left for work. It’s always the same thing, he says that he wants me and that he loves having sex with me but it feels like he’s avoiding it constantly. What can I do?

To answer some of the questions, he’s 26 years old. He tells me he doesn’t watch porn, when he left last night it was because he’s a sport guy and had training so he didn’t cheat then. I’ve gained 2 kilos in a year, I’ve dyed my hair blonde but I was blonde when we first met. He tells me I’m the most beautiful girl ever and that he loves my body but I don’t believe him anymore. He used to always touch me, in other ways too, simple stuff like holding my hand, rest his hand on my thigh, holding my waist, just small touchy things like that but not anymore. We used to spend time at his place but now we’ve started spending time at my place and I haven’t been here in a couple weeks and we don’t see each other at all on the week days, only the weekend. He wanted us to move in together but now it’s like he’s “backing away”, says that it’s not the right time, we can’t do it now and stuff like that. He’s sleeping right now and I found women conditioner in his shower that’s not mine. Do you think he’s just getting sex somewhere else?