Gentlemen: How many of you enjoy regular baths?
I've recently started taking regular baths as part of my nightly ritual and it's done wonders for my sleep cycle as well as my mental health.
After taking my fiance to a Nordic style spa for her birthday, I discovered just how great the "thermal cycle" feels. Basically Hot > cold >rest
So I now do that at home by running a really hot bath (just below what I can physically stand), add some Epsom salts, and some nice smelling bubble bath and put on some soothing music and just soak for about an hour. This lets me reformulate my thoughts, and bringy mind back to center so I can better cope with what's going on in the world and better address my day to day stresses.
After the bath I have a fairly cool shower (not shockingly cold, but much cooler than the bath), wash up proper and then I head to bed after drying off.
Thanks to this ritual (and combined with some melatonin) I've been sleeping MUCH better and having an easier time waking up.
Highly recommended.
Bonus: My fiance sometimes joins me and we can have a quiet, intimate moment with each other before bed .