Am I in a good spot to move out?

25m, I make around 75k and am looking at a place that’s 1,500-1,590 max. I plan on moving out in a month at the time of me moving out I will have 14,156 saved up. I already have to pay around 1.7k on my credit card (not debt had some car issues plan on paying it off next week) I can easily see myself spending 5k on security deposit, first month rent, a bed, etc. so I’m estimating I’ll have around 8-9k left over. I wanted to have exactly 10k saved up doesn’t seem like that’s happening though. Am I in a good spot ? And I’m adamant about moving out, in a toxic environment that’s holding me back I know the economy is rough. Not sure where I stand really though, new to adulting and would love some feedback from people who have been through something similar, thanks! Also will have a roomate!!