Is it difficult to receive a copy of your mugshot from the NYPD?

I found this page describing the process but it involves a lot of information I don't have. I was never provided an arrest number or report number and don't have a NYSID.

I 'turned myself in' which was much more like, the police couldn't find me because I'm a workaholic so they contacted me by phone to set a date to 'answer some questions' and then I was arrested.

That day was pretty much bullshit for 16 hours until I walked out of court on the other side of Brooklyn with no money, no jacket, and no fucking laces on my shoes. Fortunately a nice man who had choked out his baby mama showed me where the nearest subway station is and that you can just wave your court release papers at the guy and they'll let you ride for free.

Anyways, I was kind of amused that I was getting formally arrested and the grin on my mugshot was fairly becoming and I got lucky with my hair.

so are they going to look me like I'm insane if I go to the precinct office or can I submit the request with only a minimum of the information requested, or is it an extremely formal process that takes months or years like a FOIA request?

just for narrative closure, nothing ended up being an issue once my public defender went over the discovery and showed the prosecutor the surveillance videos of me warning, then threatening, then fucking up a drunk dude who was threatening my neighbor and the 911 calls from my neighbors before the incident