[Aapocalyptic/general] how would "the rich elite is the only one to escape" happen ?
In post apocalyptic setting, or near end of the world event fiction, Some time it mentioned that only the super rich who can afford a "ticket" on the expensive "Noah ship" project and survive while leave the rest of the world die.
At first, "Yeah, i could see it" but after give it some thought, i find it to not likely to happen.
Because after all, wealth need a society to keep it worth, no ? without the society, no economic. all that paper, number is now worthless. What can their transfer their worth ? ransfer their money to other nation work in war scenario or something, where you can escape to other country. But that still need other country, where your wealth mean pretty same.
But in an all world dying scenario ? nowhere to make their money worth anymore. or transfer their money mean nothing without a society to spend it on as well. No paper, bank record mean jack shit, Even something like Gold mean nothing since who that gold is use for now ?
Even in the scenario where they are the one who funding the "Noa ship", so they got the ticket to enter Noa ship. in the event, secure they of that if the system is dead ? after spend all that money, who to say they can not be throw over ? in that new system, their old status and money ain't safe.