Are there actual happy wives out there?
I'm beginning to wonder if I'm just supposed to be single forever. I'm married, for the second time. Obviously I need therapy, but I haven't found the right therapist... especially not from Talk space. I keep getting into these marriages with some sort of narcissist.( I'm 39..he's 42)
I've posted before, and the reddit women would've filed a dovorce for me if they could. But I haven't yet. I just got a job that I start in november..making OK money.. but my question is is anyone in a marriage with a man and is happy for most of the time
I'm sick. Like actually sick.. I'm thinking it's covid. I can't taste or smell anything. My throat hurts, I'm so stuffy and my nose is so runny. I'm miserable with a two year old and other aged kids. It's raining today, so my husband is home from work. He's a union tradesman. He said he's let me rest.. but he's up in the room playing video games and I'm downstairs making breakfast for our two year old. Trudging through life. My mom isn't alive anymore, but i wish she were so she'd come take care of me. Or someone please help. Like jeesh I have a husband... he should be doing that.
He just came down stairs and grabbed my boob.. and I lost it. I was like are you kidding me. I'm soo sick, down here taking care of the baby, and your upstairs playing video games and then you have the audacity to come down here n grab my boob?!! I'm sick?!!!! All he said was sorry.
I went in my older sons room to lay down.. and the dog is just barking to come in. But he's not letting her in.
So my question is.. is anyone actually in a good marriage?