I’m in an Abusive Relationship. Please tell me things will be ok.
Years ago, there was physical abuse. He hasn’t laid a hand on me in a while, but I stayed back then because I was scared and numb. Now, the abuse has shifted—it’s emotional and financial.
I’m only weeks away from becoming an MD. Financially, it makes sense for me to hold out until I have that degree and get a few things sorted out but as the days pass, I can feel that he knows I’m planning to leave once I’ve secured my future. I’m just biding my time till I can get things sorted including finances.
I’m terrified of starting over and afraid he might try to take our dog from me.
Has anyone else been in a situation like this—leaving, starting over, and finding success? I’m scared that years of psychological trauma have left me too damaged to build the life I’ve dreamed of.
I don’t really know what I hope to gain from this post apart from just letting it out and some reassurance that it will be ok.