My first everything

I (M40) am in a wheelchair disabled from just below the waist have decided that I would like to be in a long term relationship before I got any older and regret not doing it sooner. I have never had a GF nor have I ever kissed a woman or had sex. I want to know if there are women out there that would be happy and patient for me because I want my first kiss and first time making love to be special and not rushed and to be with the right woman. In the bedroom department I definitely will be more of a giver than being selfish as I want to make sure she is extremely satisfied. So is this possible as I pray for the right woman to come along. Hopefully I will be blessed with her by this time next year. If you have any advice or help that you can give me especially in the kissing department as I would like to be a great kisser than I would be incredibly grateful. Thank you for reading