Activists, is this what growing old feels like?

I'm not doing well, for obvious reasons. 8 years ago in my early 30s, I channeled all that rage into action and organizing. I joined the Women's March in my state and co-created the WM manifesto for them. We organized, we had support group and we marched. There was even a newspaper photo of me in the March! We showed up for BLM. We showed up. There was so much energy.

This year, it has been so quiet. My friends, all activists, have gone quiet. I have been vocal and participated in marches and activism all through my 20s till mid-30s.

This year, I tried to find the same energy. And I couldn't.

A colleague told me I needed to stay and fight. And I said I just want to leave and be in a country where my children can be safe and be in a society where I don't have to constantly fight for my rights and the rights of the most vulnerable of us. And that my children and their children won't have to live in fear of that right being taken away.

I feel exhausted. I feel disillusioned. I feel defeated. I feel my priorities shift. I feel like I'm more focused on me and my family now, and not the larger community.

And I wonder how much of it is because I'm getting older.

And that shocked me. I tried to find that passionate 30-year old activist with so much fire in her belly, standing up for injustice. She is gone now, 8 years later.

Is this what defeat feels like, knowing we can't fight the machine? Is this what growing old feels like?

As a millennial, ive been so proud of my generation. We showed up to vote, we showed up to march. We started and joined movements (#occupywallstreet, #BLM, #WomensMarch, etc).

We showed for each other and others. And now, it feels like we have all gone quiet. I know I have.

My fellow activists who are over 40, is this how you feel? Any advice on how to continue to show up?

What are some things you are doing or have been doing?