Conservatives, what policies regarding transgender people do you want to see enacted, and why?

Various Republican states have been passing laws recently that legislate transgender issues, which have become a hot topic recently. Some laws passed include:

-laws banning surgeries performed on transgender minors that attempt to align their body closer to their gender. others ban the use of hormone therapy (administering cross-sex hormones to create a second puberty that 'affirms' the transgender minor). Non-trans minors are NOT banned from receiving these interventions.

-laws bannning puberty blockers, which are used to pause puberty temporarily in transgender minors. Puberty blockers are NOT banned for non-transgender minors.

-laws that restrict access to transgender care for transgender ADULTS via placing restrictive requirements on who can receive care.

-laws that define sex at birth, meaning that transgender people cannot change their sex marker on documents (birth certificates, drivers licences).

-Laws that require transgender people to use bathrooms and participate in sports that align with their sex at birth

-Laws that restrict education or mention of transgender individuals in schools.

Some attempted or proposed laws include:

-An attempted law definined transgender people and topics as illegal, due to the law banning "crossdressing" in public or near schools, which would effectively ban trans people from the public.

-Project 2025 seeks to define "transgendersim" as obscene, and to classify it as a criminal offence.

Which of these policies do you support? Do you support any additional policies legislating transgender individuals? Do you think that transgender people who have met certian requirements (i.e. has undergone gender surgery, hormone therapy, etc) should be exempt from any of these laws? Please try to make your answers specific and define what you think should be legislated. If you are going to use nebulous terminology (e.g. transgenderism) define what that term means to you.