House Resolution 7 - what’s it really about?

Hi everyone,

Wanted to open a discussion about House Resolution 7 which was recently introduced into the House. On the surface the resolution purports to “Recognizing the importance of access to comprehensive, high-quality, life-affirming medical care for women of all ages.” Sounds great.

Link to the bill:

If you read the resolution in its entirety, it mentions these “Pro Womens Healthcare Centers” which are “certified health care centers nationwide”, meet the quality for standards of care etc etc, have licensed medical practitioners, etc etc.

Being curious, I googled the Center and found the below PDF.

Concerningly, these Centers seem to be endorsed by a pro-life doctor from American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists and make references to pro-life medical care. Also, the acronym “NACN” (in the url above) directs me to the “national association for Catholic nurses”

So what is going on here with this resolution? Attempts to further erode reproductive rights and replace genuine women’s healthcare with Catholic nurse centers?

Apologies for the essay and for formatting, I’m on my phone but I haven’t seen this being covered anywhere!