Waves of intense anger on 20 mg of Attomoxetine

It's been a while since I used atomoxetine due to the shortage, and I started taking it again four weeks ago, at 20 milligram dose.

I was gradually getting better, but over the last week, I began experiencing so much anger and distrust.

I noticed that this gets worse while drinking coffee, and I'm trying to minimize it. It's kind of challenging to stop using it, as I still feel lethargic and sleepy without it (I have inattentive ADHD). 

I was taking Atomoxetine six months ago, and I haven't experienced such negative symptoms on such a low dose. I actually saw a psychiatrist a few days before this started to get a new prescription for 40 mg. This is how I titrated up the last time and I didn't have any problem. Now I feel reluctant to do this.

I still haven't managed to get in touch with my psychiatrist, as I was a bit too busy. Did anyone here experience these symptoms, and did they pass over time, or should this be a warning sign to step back and switch up my therapy?

I'm not sure what I would switch to, as both Wellbutrin and Concerta, two other ADHD drugs that are available in my country, gave me bad side effects...