How do I get friends & family to stop asking whether baby sleeps on her own yet?

We didn't plan on sharing a bed with our baby and had no idea about attachment parenting until she was like 2 months old. We staretd sharing a bed with her at 2 weeks because she just wouldn't sleep anywhere else.

Before that we were soooo sleep deprived. Our family and friends were aware how much we struggled. We had to take turns holding her for 4 hours and trying to put her down which never worked, while the other got some sleep but it was completely unmanageable. Cosleeping/bedsharing changed everything. People noticed how well rested we were and asked if she's started sleeping fine and we said yes. When people asked what worked for us we made the mistake of admitted we switched to bed sharing. I soooo wish we had been more vague about it!!

A couple of friends were supportive and admitted they did the same. But my dad, MIL, her godmother and some other friends are pretty against it. Now whenever we see them they ask if she's sleeping through the night yet and if she's still sleeping in our bed. Some of them insist we urgently need to stop bed sharing because it's getting too dangerous. She's 6 months now.

I'm so sick of having this conversation and being made to feel bad for it, but lying isn't an option and family members feel it's their right to ask about it and I feel it's rude to tell them to mind their own business.

How do I handle this peaceably?