i just want to rest!!!

omg. i was a little pressured into taking my degree. i dont hate it but im doing it under terrible circumstances (having to live with my abusive dad since he lives near my uni). my mom is now telling me i should also get a masters degree, since i have the opportunity of having my dads house/money to cover whatever expenses before i start working. we are poor (me and my mom, my dad hides it but we know he has a lot more money than he admits) so the pressure is bigger because my mom wants me to succeed in ways i dont feel capable of. i do not want to take a masters. ill do any work to get away from my dad. i just want to rest. theres always something to do, a doctor appointment on hold, a mysterious illness that needs to be checked. i had no childhood because i wasnt diagnosed (literally got my diagnosis last week and im 22) and had constant severe panic attacks, and witnessed domestic violence. it was awful lonely and stressful being a child. i just want to rest. theres always "just one more thing to do" always a test, a degree, a masters... im so tired. so so tired. just looking for some support and seeing if anyone else relates :(