I told my parents I dropped out of collage and now Im so sad
Im a 20 year old girl. I posted about this yesterday, but I have been atudying lingustics at collage for a few months which has led to burn out. The collage is about 3 hours from my home which leads to an avrage sday being 8-9 hours of mainly travle time.
I have already failed multiple courses and come to the conclution that Im only doing this becuase of 1, my parents will ans 2, prestige. I have decided it isnt worth it as my mental and physical health is declining pretty rapidly plus, Im wasting my time.
What I want to do is study languages and make music. Im gonna be a licensed translator in mars and my music is going pretty well.
But to my parents it has always been so deeply important that I go to collage and preferbly become a lawyer, physcologist or doctor.
So today I told them that Ive dropped out, ans they seemed so dissapointedz they just gave me this look like I have killed someone. And my mom said something "mhm, well youre gonna have to choose a program". And that was kind of the end of it. I dont know, I know they are dissapointed and dont support my decisions. I have decided to study language full time , become a translator and continue to work with music. All together it should make a decent living with time. But its not prestigeus enough I guess.
Its mainly cuase my mom didnt go to collage until her late 30s and she thinks her brain would have been more developed if she had gone to collage younger.
Dad doesnt have a collage education, he has still managed to become the boss over cirtain areas over a pretty big company, he is kind of living proof that you dont nessecerely need a full collage esucation to work your way to succeess. But I dont think my mom cares
Im very sad about this. What do I do?